Town of Aurora
Mayor's Golf Classic Funds Committee
Meeting Agenda

Meeting #:
Video Conference

    1. That a Committee member be elected as Chair of the Mayor's Golf Classic Funds Committee for a two-year term (2025-2026).
    1. That a Committee member be elected as Vice Chair of the Mayor's Golf Classic Funds Committee for a two-year term (2025-2026).
    1. That the Mayor's Golf Classic Funds Committee meeting minutes of December 11, 2024, be received for information.

(Deferred from Mayor's Golf Classic Funds Committee Meeting of December 11, 2024.)

    1. That the Application from Learning Disabilities Association of York Simcoe; Re: Funding Request for Summer Camp be received; and
    2. That the Committee provide direction to:
      1. Grant the funding request; or
      2. Deny the funding request; or
      3. Defer consideration of the funding request to a future meeting
    1. That the Application from Application from Hill House Hospice; Re: 2025 Walk for Compassionate Care be received; and
    2. That the Committee provide direction to:
      1. Grant the funding request; or
      2. Deny the funding request; or
      3. Defer consideration of the funding request to a future meeting
    1. That the Application from The Salvation Army Northridge Community Church; Re: Funding for 2025 Programs be received; and
    2. That the Committee provide direction to:
      1. Grant the funding request; or
      2. Deny the funding request; or
      3. Defer consideration of the funding request to a future meeting