Town of AuroraCommittee of AdjustmentMeeting AgendaMeeting #:Date:Thursday, September 12, 2024Time: 7:00 P.m. - 10:30 P.m.Location:Video ConferenceMeetings are available to the public via live stream on the Town’s YouTube channel. To participate electronically, please visit to Order 2.Land Acknowledgement 3.Approval of the Agenda 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - COA_Aug08_2024 - English.pdfThat the Agenda as circulated by the Secretary-Treasurer be approved.4.Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof 5.Receipt of the Minutes 5.1Committee of Adjustment Meeting Minutes of August 8, 2024, Meeting Number 24-08 That the Committee of Adjustment Minutes from Meeting Number 24-08 be adopted as printed and circulated.6.Presentation of Applications 6.1MV-2024-01 - Liu - 2007 Vandorf Sideroad 1.MV-2024-01 - Liu - 2007 Vandorf Sideroad - Deferral Report.pdf6.2MV-2024-20 - Irvine - 313 Ridge Rd 1.MV-2024-20 - Irvine - 313 Ridge Rd.pdf2.Appendix B - Site Plan and Elevations.pdf6.3MV-2023-44 - The Biglieri Group - 100 Goulding Avenue 1.MV-2023-44 - The Biglieri Group - 100 Goulding Avenue .pdf2.Appendix 'B' - Site Plan.pdf6.4C-2024-02 - Cornerstone Growth Investment Corp. - 31 Kennedy St. W 1.C-2024-02 - Cornerstone Growth Investment Corp - 31 Kennedy Street West.pdf2.Appendix B - Proposed Severance Plan.pdf3.Appendix C - Buildable Footprint.pdf4.Appendix D - Lot Area Context Map.pdf6.5MV-2024-17, MV-2024-18 - Cornerstone Growth Investment Corp - 31 Kennedy St. W 1.MV-2024-17, MV-2024-18 - Cornerstone Growth Investment Corp - 31 Kennedy Street West.pdf2.Appendix B - Proposed Severance Plan(1).pdf3.Appendix C - Buildable Footprint(1).pdf4.Appendix D - Lot Area Context Map(1).pdf7.New Business 8.Adjournment No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.MV-2024-01 - Liu - 2007 Vandorf Sideroad - Deferral Report.pdf1.C-2024-02 - Cornerstone Growth Investment Corp - 31 Kennedy Street West.pdf2.Appendix B - Proposed Severance Plan.pdf3.Appendix C - Buildable Footprint.pdf4.Appendix D - Lot Area Context Map.pdf1.MV-2024-17, MV-2024-18 - Cornerstone Growth Investment Corp - 31 Kennedy Street West.pdf2.Appendix B - Proposed Severance Plan(1).pdf3.Appendix C - Buildable Footprint(1).pdf4.Appendix D - Lot Area Context Map(1).pdf1.MV-2024-20 - Irvine - 313 Ridge Rd.pdf2.Appendix B - Site Plan and Elevations.pdf1.MV-2023-44 - The Biglieri Group - 100 Goulding Avenue .pdf2.Appendix 'B' - Site Plan.pdf1.Post-Meeting Minutes - COA_Aug08_2024 - English.pdf