Town of Aurora
Council Meeting Revised Agenda

Meeting #:
Council Chambers, Aurora Town Hall

Meetings are available to the public in person and via live stream on the Town’s YouTube channel. To participate, please visit

Additional Items are marked with an asterisk(*).

According to the Procedure By-law, the consent of at least a two-thirds majority vote of Members present is required to permit the addition of delegations 6.3, 6.4, and 6.5 to the agenda.

  • That the revised agenda as circulated by Legislative Services be approved, including the addition of delegations 6.3, 6.4, and 6.5, which requires a two-thirds majority vote.

    1. That the Council meeting minutes of March 28, 2023, be adopted as circulated.
    1. That the Council Public Planning meeting minutes of March 21, 2023, be adopted as circulated.
    1. That the Council Closed Session minutes of March 28, 2023, be adopted as circulated.
    1. That the Council Closed Session Public meeting minutes of March 28, 2023, be adopted as circulated.
    1. That the Council Closed Session minutes of April 4, 2023, be adopted as circulated.
    1. That the Council Closed Session Public meeting minutes of April 4, 2023, be adopted as circulated.
    1. That the Council Public Planning meeting minutes of April 11, 2023, be adopted as circulated.
    1. That the Central York Fire Services Joint Council Committee Meeting Minutes of February 7, 2023 be received for information.
    1. That the Central York Fire Services Joint Council Committee Meeting Minutes of March 7, 2023 be received for information.
  • That the Standing Committee Reports, items 8.1 to 8.2 inclusive, be received and the recommendations carried by the Committees approved, with the exception of any sub-items that were pulled for separate discussion and voting.

Part 40 Reserve, Plan 102, designated as Part 12 on Plan 65R-38133, File Number: CDM-2017-03, Related File Number: SP-2015-01

    1. That Report No. PDS23-035 be received; and
    2. That the Draft Plan of Condominium (Common Elements Condominium) File No. CDM-2017-03 to establish a condominium road to service eleven (11) parcels of tied land, each containing a single-detached residential dwelling, be approved, subject to the conditions attached hereto as Schedule “A” of this report.

Block 28, Plan 65M-470, File Number: CDM-2017-01

    1. That Report No. PDS23-036 be received; and
    2. That the approval to Draft Plan of Condominium and related conditions of approval at 14029 Yonge Street, File CDM-2017-01, be extended for one (1) year with a lapsing date of May 28, 2024. 
    1. That Report No. PDS23-017 be received; and
    2. That the total approved budget authority for Capital Project No. 31113 be increased to $6,177,800, representing an increase of $655,508; and
    3. That the remaining $396,740 in additional requested budget authority for Project No. 31113 be funded from the Storm Water reserve.
    1. That Report No. CMS23-011 be received; and
    2. That staff be directed to review and approve or deny the Aurorapalooza application in accordance with the Third-Party Events in Outdoor Town Facilities Policy; and
    3. That if the Aurorapalooza third-party event is approved, that it be designated as an event of Town significance for the purpose of attaining a Special Occasion Permit in accordance with the Municipal Alcohol Policy; and
    4. That delegated authority be granted to the Director, Community Services to review and approve or deny the Aurorapalooza applications in future years.
    1. That Report No. OPS23-004 be received; and
    2. That the condition on the approval of a total of $175,000 in capital budget authority for Capital Project No. 34015 – Engineered Walkway Reconstruction Moffat Crescent to Valley Drive + Crawford Rose be lifted, and the project proceed; and
    3. That the current contract value of $650,000 for Vaughan Paving Limited, for Restoration and Repairs of Engineered Walkways, be increased by $175,000 to a total contract value of $825,000, excluding taxes; and
    4. That staff take steps to remove any unauthorized structures, fills, obstructions, objects and other items from Town easements and Town property to enable the walkway reconstruction project work between Crawford Rose Drive and Devins Drive.
    1. That Report No. PDS23-040 be received; and
    2. That for the properties whose Notice of Intent to Designate has been withdrawn, Council authorize staff to:
      1. Issue the respective Notices of Withdrawal; and
      2. Remove the respective properties from the Town’s Heritage Register in accordance with the provisions of Bill 23 and the Ontario Heritage Act; and
    3. That for the properties where the Notice of Intent to Designate has not been withdrawn, the appropriate designation by-laws be brought back for enactment; and
    4. That the Notice of Intent to Designate the following 8 properties where objections were submitted be removed:
      • 16 Reuben Street
      • 31 Tyler Street
      • 33 Mosley Street
      • 41 Wellington Street East
      • 71 Tyler Street
      • 81 Tyler Street
      • 1978 Vandorf Sideroad
      • 15800 Yonge Street
    1. That Report No. CMS23-016 be received; and
    2. That the Sports Field and Park Use Policy be amended to reflect the proposed alternative use for dedicated outdoor pickleball courts; and
    3. That Council approve OPTION 1B and OPTION 2 for implementation and to be funded from operating budget; and
    4. That staff investigate and report back with possible private/commercial parking lot opportunities that could be used as alternative pickleball locations.
    1. That Report No. CMS23-013 be received; and
    2. That the Community Partnership Grant Policy (attachment 1) be approved; and
    3. That the Town’s existing Corporate Sponsorship Policy be repealed.
    1. That Report No. CMS23-012 be received; and
    2. That the condition on the approval of a total of $155,000 in capital budget authority for Capital Project No. 72478 – Sports Dome Air Conditioning be lifted, and the project proceed; and
    3. That $40,000 in previously approved budget authority and its associated funding be transferred from Project No. 72460 – Aurora Sports Dome Retrofit to Project No. 72478 – Sports Dome Air Conditioning; and
    4. That a legal opinion as to whether the Town has recourse regarding the air conditioner at the Sports Dome be provided to Council 
    1. That Report No. CS23-027 be received; and
    2. That the Aurora Appeal Tribunal and Property Standards Committee Members be provided remuneration in the amount of $80 per meeting; and
    3. That the attached Terms of References for the Aurora Appeal Tribunal and Property Standards Committee be approved.

(Presentation to be provided by Joanne Russo, Chair, Aurora Business Improvement Area)

    1. That Report No. PDS23-054 be received;
    2. That the Aurora Business Improvement Association’s (BIA) 2022 audited financial statements attached hereto as Attachment 2 be received;
    3. That the 2023 Aurora BIA Budget attached hereto as Attachment 3 be approved; and
    4. That the Aurora BIA retain the grant funds from the Town in the amount of $25,000; and
    5. That a by-law be enacted to levy a Special Charge upon Rateable Property in the Aurora Business Improvement Area, in the amount of $18,825.
    1. That Councillor Ron Weese be appointed to replace Mayor Tom Mrakas on the Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee effective immediately.


    1. Now Therefore Be it Hereby Resolved That staff be directed to investigate the potential for a new Town Hall at the Yonge St. and Mosley St. Town-owned site, along with the selling of the existing Town Hall property at 100 John West Way; and
    2. Be It Further Resolved That the Aurora Economic Development Corporation Board be consulted prior to the report coming back to Council.
    1. Now Therefore Be it Hereby Resolved That staff take the necessary steps to ensure that the Heritage Advisory Committee and Accessibility Advisory Committee continue on past the end of the Council term until a new committee is appointed.
    1. Now Therefore Be it Hereby Resolved That staff investigate the feasibility of implementing a pilot project for the summer 2023 Concerts in the Park to allow the consumption of licensed beverages by sales only on August 23 and August 30 including beer and wine for purchase only and report back to Council for direction; and
    2. That staff investigate a sustainable and equitable plan for establishing support for local restaurants and food vendors cuisine at the Concerts in the Park series for 2024 bringing a report to Council in time for the consideration in the 2024 budget; and
    3. That staff review our licensing bylaw that relates to mobile food and refreshment vendors and report back to Council with any recommended changes.
  • That the meeting be adjourned.

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