Town of Aurora
Budget Committee
Meeting Agenda (Revised)

Meeting #:
Video Conference

This meeting will be held electronically as per Section 19. i) of the Town's Procedure By-law No. 6228-19, as amended, due to the COVID-19 situation.

Added items are marked with an asterisk(*).

Note: At this time, the Municipal Offices are closed. This meeting will be live streamed at Anyone wishing to provide comment on an agenda item is encouraged to visit for guidelines on electronic delegation.

    1. That the proposed 2021 Growth and New Capital Projects, which were pulled for discussion, be approved as presented.
    1. That the proposed 2021 Studies and Other Capital Projects be received; and
    2. That the proposed 2021 Studies and Other Capital Projects be approved as presented.
    1. That the Review of Closed Capital Projects be received for information.

(Presentation to be provided by Doug Nadorozny, Chief Administrative Officer)

    1. That the presentation regarding 2021 Work Plan, Operating Budget, and Staffing be received; and
    2. That salary gapping in 2021 be increased by $127,000; and
    3. That the Chief Administrative Officer be directed to manage in-year staff to achieve the revised salary gapping target; and
    4. That the total FTE count be reduced by two for the Building Services positions no longer required; and
    5. That the multi-year budget contingency be reduced by $100,000 in 2021 and a further $8,000 in 2022.
    1. That the 2020 Objectives Overview of the Departmental Objectives be received for information.
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