Town of Aurora
Council Meeting Revised Agenda

Meeting #:
Council Chambers, Aurora Town Hall

Meetings are available to the public in person and via live stream on the Town’s YouTube channel. To participate, please visit

Note: Additional Items are marked with an asterisk (*).

    1. That the Council meeting minutes of December 13, 2022, be adopted as circulated.
    1. That the Council Closed Session minutes of December 13, 2022, be adopted as circulated.
    1. That the Council Closed Session Public meeting minutes of December 13, 2022, be adopted as circulated.
    1. That the Council Closed Session minutes of January 17, 2023, be adopted as circulated.
    1. That the Council Closed Session Public meeting minutes of January 17, 2023, be adopted as circulated.
  • That the Standing Committee Reports, items 8.1 to 8.2 inclusive, be received and the recommendations carried by the Committees approved.

    1. That the correspondence regarding Regional Council Decision - Proposed Amendments to the Greenbelt and Oak Ridges Moraine Plans be received; and
    2. That the Town of Aurora supports the position of York Region with respect to the proposed amendments to the Greenbelt Act and Oak Ridges Moraine Act.
    1. That Report No. CS23-001 be received; and
    2. That Attachment 1, the policy for Ad Hoc/Advisory Committees and Local Boards be approved; and
    3. That the following Advisory Committees be created:
      • Community Advisory Committee
      • Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee
      • Environmental Advisory Committee
      • Finance Advisory Committee (Council members only)
      • Mayor's Golf Classic Funds Committee; and
    4. That staff be directed to advertise for members of the Advisory and Statutory Boards and Committees with the exception of the Finance Advisory Committee; and
    5. That the attached Terms of Reference for all Statutory and discretionary Committees be approved; and
    6. That the Policy for Ad Hoc/Advisory Committees and Local Boards be amended to change the responsibility of chairing meetings from citizen members to members of Council; and
    7. That the term for citizen members appointed under this policy be for two years; and
    8. That the chair rotation be changed to every two years.
    1. That Report No. CMS23-001 be received; and
    2. That the merger of the Recreation and Culture Grant and the Sponsorship of Community Events and Programs into a single Community Support Grant Program be approved; and
    3. That staff be directed to return with a Grant Policy for the new Community Support Grant Program.
    1. That Report No. FIN23-001 be received; and
    2. That the presented Debt Management Policy for the Town be approved.
    1. That staff be directed to review and investigate the proposal from the Aurora Barbarians Rugby Football Club and report back to Council with options and recommendations.
    1. That the Budget Committee meeting report of January 9, 2023, be received for information.
    1. That the Budget Committee meeting report of January 14, 2023, be received for information.
    1. That the Budget Committee meeting report of January 16, 2023, be received for information.
    1. That the Budget Committee meeting report of January 23, 2023, be received for information.
    1. That Report No. FIN23-005 be received; and
    2. That Council approve the 2023 operating budget as follows:
      1. The operating budget, as amended by this report, and as summarized in Attachment 1; and
      2. The water, wastewater and storm water rates to fully fund each of these services as summarized in Table 2; and
      3. That the tax and water billing bylaws be enacted at a future Council meeting; and
    3. That Council approve the 2023 capital budget as follows:
      1. The capital budget authority and planned spending by project as detailed in the budget binder tabled on December 13, 2022, and as amended in this report and as summarized in Attachments 2 and 3; and
      2. The capital budget authority and planned spending for the roads, facilities, fleet, information technology services and storm sewer asset management capital programs as summarized in Table 4 and subject to the rules detailed in this report; and
      3. The funding sources for each capital project as reviewed and recommended by Budget Committee on January 14, 2023; and
      4. The conditionally approved projects be added to the pending list; and
    4. That the list of Council-identified requests included in Table 5 be endorsed; and
    5. That the reconciliation of the 2023 operating budget to the full accrual basis of accounting, as required under Ontario Regulation 284/09, as summarized in Attachment 4 be endorsed.
    1. That Members of Council be appointed to the following Boards and Committees effective January 2023:
      • Accessibility Advisory Committee – Councillor Harold Kim
      • Aurora Economic Development Corporation – Mayor Tom Mrakas and Councillor Rachel Gilliland
      • Aurora Public Library Board – Councillors John Gallo and Ron Weese
      • Aurora Cultural Centre Board – Councillors Harold Kim and Michael Thompson
      • Community Advisory Committee – Councillor Ron Weese
      • Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee – Mayor Tom Mrakas
      • Environmental Advisory Committee – Councillors Wendy Gaertner and Rachel Gilliland
      • Finance Advisory Committee – Mayor Tom Mrakas, Councillors Michael Thompson and Ron Weese
      • Heritage Advisory Committee – Councillor John Gallo
      • Joint Council Committee – Councillors John Gallo, Wendy Gaertner, and Rachel Gilliland (previously approved by Council on December 13, 2022)
    1. That the York Regional Council Highlights of December 15, 2022, be received for information.