Town of Aurora
Special Meeting of Council
Revised Agenda

Meeting #:
Council Chambers, Aurora Town Hall

Meetings are available to the public in person and via live stream on the Town’s YouTube channel. To participate, please visit

Note: Added items are marked with an asterisk (*).

According to the Procedure By-law, the consent of a two-thirds majority vote of Members present is required to permit the addition of Delegations items 5.3 to 5.6 to the agenda.

    1. That Project: SO-F-0045 Sport Plan Update, be removed from the 2024-2026 budget.
    1. That the $68,300.00 cost of a new part-time sport tourism programmer be removed from the 2024 budget.
    1. That the Aurora Sports Hall of Fame grant be reduced to $20,000 total for curatorial services only.
    1. That GN-F-0074: ARTIFICIAL RINK capital project be advanced by one year to 2024 (to be constructed for the 2024-2025 winter season) and given conditional approval pending a further report in early 2024 outlining cost, a funding model, at least 2 potential locations, operational impacts and timeline.
    1. That 1 customer service position and 2 facility positions are phased in no sooner than April 1, 2024, or adjusted later to meet any further delay of the opening; and
    2. That the remaining 2 facility positions be hired on an as-needed basis, thereafter, using a phased-in approach.
    1. That Project GN-F-0001: Outdoor Wi-Fi Implementation, be removed from the budget.
    1. That any new staffing hires for the years 2025 and 2026 be conditionally approved pending the review of the budget prior to those years.