Town of Aurora
Special Meeting of Council Agenda

Meeting #:
Council Chambers, Aurora Town Hall

Meetings are available to the public in person and via live stream on the Town’s YouTube channel. To participate, please visit

This meeting will serve as the Annual General Meeting of the Aurora Economic Development Corporation.

(Presentation to be provided by Marilee Harris, Chair, Aurora Economic Development Corporation).

    1. That Report No. PDS23-055 be received; and
    2. That the Aurora Economic Development Corporation’s Director’s Report attached hereto as Attachment 1 be received; and
    3. That the requirements regarding the appointment and duties of the auditor be exempted for the financial year; and
    4. That Council appoint the following individual to the Aurora Economic Development Corporation (AEDC) Board of Directors for a term of three years: [Insert Name]; and
    5. That Council authorize staff to update the Aurora Economic Development Corporation's Terms of Reference to reflect Council’s direction.