Town of AuroraMayor's Golf Classic Funds CommitteeMeeting AgendaMeeting #:Date:Wednesday, June 26, 2024Time: 10:00 A.m. - 11:30 A.m.Location:Video ConferenceMeetings are available to the public via live stream on the Town’s YouTube channel. To participate, please visit to Order 2.Land Acknowledgement 3.Approval of the Agenda 4.Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof 5.Receipt of the Minutes 5.1Mayor's Golf Classic Funds Committee Meeting Minutes of May 2, 2024 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - MGCFC_May02_2024 - English.pdf That the Mayor’s Golf Classic Funds Committee Meeting Minutes of May 2, 2024, be received for information. 6.Delegations 7.Matters for Consideration 7.1Application from Sport Aurora; Re: All Kids Can Play Program 1.Application-SportAurora.pdf That the Application from Sport Aurora; Re: All Kids Can Play Program be received; and That the Committee provide direction to: Grant the funding request; or Deny the funding request; or Defer consideration of the funding request to a future meeting. 7.2Application from Yellow Brick House; Re: Break the Silence, Step in my Shoes Walk 1.Application-YellowBrickHouse.pdf That the Application from Yellow Brick House; Re: Break the Silence, Step in my Shoes Walk be received; and That the Committee provide direction to: Grant the funding request; or Deny the funding request; or Defer consideration of the funding request to a future meeting. 7.3Application from Huayun Multicultural Association; Re: Community Events 1.Application-Huayun.pdf That the Application from Huayun Multicultural Association; Re: Community Events be received; and That the Committee provide direction to: Grant the funding request; or Deny the funding request; or Defer consideration of the funding request to a future meeting. 7.4Application from The Optimist Club of Aurora; Re: Youth Programs 1.Application-OptimistClub.pdf That the Application from The Optimist Club of Aurora; Re: Youth Programs be received; and That the Committee provide direction to: Grant the funding request; or Deny the funding request; or Defer consideration of the funding request to a future meeting. 8.Informational Items 9.New Business 10.Adjournment No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.Post-Meeting Minutes - MGCFC_May02_2024 - English.pdf1.Application-SportAurora.pdf1.Application-Huayun.pdf1.Application-YellowBrickHouse.pdf1.Application-OptimistClub.pdf