Town of Aurora
Council Meeting Agenda

Meeting #:
Council Chambers, Aurora Town Hall

Meetings are available to the public in person and via live stream on the Town’s YouTube channel. To participate, please visit

  • That the Consent Agenda, items 7.1 to 7.9 inclusive, be approved.

    1. That the Council meeting minutes of January 28, 2025, be adopted as circulated.
    1. That the Council Closed Session Minutes of January 28, 2025, be adopted as circulated.
    1. That the Council Closed Session Public Meeting Minutes of January 28, 2025, be adopted as circulated.
    1. That the Special Council Closed Session Minutes of February 11, 2025, be adopted as circulated.
    1. That the Special Council Closed Session Public Meeting Minutes of February 11, 2025, be adopted as circulated.
    1. That the Special Meeting of Council Minutes of February 11, 2025, be adopted as circulated.
    1. That the Council Public Planning meeting minutes of January 21, 2025, be adopted as circulated.
    1. That the Council Public Planning Meeting Minutes of February 18, 2025, be adopted as circulated.
    1. That the memorandum regarding Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority Board Meeting Highlights of January 24, 2025, be received for information.
  • That the Committee of the Whole Meeting Report of February 11, 2025, be received and the recommendations carried by the Committee approved.

    1. That the Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of January 21, 2025, be received for information.
    1. That the Active Transportation and Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of January 22, 2025, be received for information.
    1. That Report No. FIN25-003 be received; and
    2. That Council approve a 20-year interest free deferral with annual repayments starting at the end of the first year to meet the requirements of York Region’s rental buildings incentive program for the 101-103 Mosley Street and 120 Metcalfe Street and 26-38 Berczy Street developments enabling the developer to access York Region’s program offerings.
    1. That Report No. OPS25-004 be received; and
    2. That the condition on the approval of Capital Project No. AM-F-0346 – Tennis Court Reconstruction – David English Park, in the amount of $150,000, be lifted and the project proceed, be approved.
    1. That Report No. PDS25-022 be received; and
    2. That Zoning By-law Amendment application, File ZBA-2012-12 be approved to rezone the subject lands from “Rural (RU) Zone” to “Detached Fourth Density Residential Exception (R4-439) Zone”, “Private Open Space Exception (O2-XXX) Zone”, and “Environmental Protection (EP) Zone”, as outlined in Appendix ‘A’; and
    3. That Draft Plan of Subdivision application, File SUB-2012-04 be approved as shown in Figure 5, subject to the conditions outlined in Appendix ‘B’; and
    4. That the implementing By-law for the Zoning By-law Amendment be brought forward to a future Council meeting for enactment; and
    5. That a total of 96 persons worth of servicing allocation be granted to facilitate the proposed development of 29 single detached units.
    1. That Report No. PDS25-023 be received; and
    2. That the revised Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision, File SUB-2012-06 submitted by MEHI Planning Services as shown in Figure 5, be approved subject to the revised draft plan conditions contained in Appendix A; and
    3. That a total of six additional persons worth of servicing allocation be granted to facilitate the proposed two additional full lots in the Draft Plan of Subdivision; and
    4. That the revisions to the Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision conditions be deemed to be minor and therefore not require notice in accordance with Subsection 51(47) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13.

(See section 9. Consideration of Items Requiring Discussion (Regular Agenda) item 9.1)

    1. That the York Regional Council Highlights of January 30, 2025, be received for information.

(Deferred from Committee of the Whole meeting of February 11, 2025)

    1. Now Therefore Be It Hereby Resolved That Aurora Town Council requests the Regional Municipality of York to resubmit the Zoning by-law Amendment application for a Men’s Emergency and Transitional Facility located at 14452 Yonge Street in Aurora.
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