Town of Aurora
Council Meeting Revised Agenda

Meeting #:
Council Chambers, Aurora Town Hall

Meetings are available to the public in person and via live stream on the Town’s YouTube channel. To participate, please visit

Note: Added items are marked with an asterisk (*).

According to the Procedure By-law, the consent of a two-thirds majority vote of Members present is required to permit the addition of Delegations item 6.3 to the agenda.

  • That the Consent Agenda, items 7.1 to 7.12 inclusive, be approved.

    1. That the Council Meeting Minutes of November 26, 2024, be adopted as circulated.
    1. That the Council Closed Session Minutes of November 26, 2024, be adopted as circulated.
    1. That the Council Closed Session Public Meeting Minutes of November 26, 2024, be adopted as circulated.
    1. That the Special Council Meeting Minutes of November 25, 2024, be adopted as circulated.
    1. That the Special Council Public Planning Meeting Minutes of November 19, 2024, be adopted as circulated.
    1. That the Council Closed Session Minutes of November 19, 2024, be adopted as circulated.
    1. That the Council Closed Session Public Meeting Minutes of November 19, 2024, be adopted as circulated.
    1. That the Council Closed Session Minutes of December 2, 2024, be adopted as circulated.
    1. That the Council Closed Session Public Minutes of December 2, 2024, be adopted as circulated.
    1. That the Budget Committee Meeting Report of November 11, 2024, be received for information.
    1. That the Budget Committee Meeting Report of November 18, 2024, be received for information.
    1. That the Central York Fire Services Joint Council Committee Meeting Minutes of October 1, 2024, be received for information.
  • That the Committee of the Whole Meeting Report of December 3, 2024, be received and the recommendations carried by the Committee approved.

    1. That the Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of November 13, 2024, be received for information.
    1. That the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of November 21, 2024, be received for information.
    1. That Report No. CMS24-048 be received; and
    2. That Council authorize Non-Standard procurement, under section 6.8 of the procurement policy to award the Preventative Maintenance and Servicing of Arena Refrigeration Equipment to CIMCO Refrigeration.
    1. That Report No.CMS24-050 be received; and
    2. That Council authorize staff to negotiate with the Aurora Historical Society and bring back a report in Closed Session with recommendations.
    1. That Report No. CS24-035 be received; and
    2. That items marked “Complete” be removed from the Pending List.
    1. That Report No. OPS24-022 be received; and
    2. That the Municipality no longer collect recycling, garbage, and compost for non-eligible sources effective January 1, 2026, be approved; and
    3. That staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution.
    1. That Report No. PDS24-134 be received; and
    2. That the Draft Plan of Condominium File No. CDM-2024-01 to establish a standard condominium consisting of a total of 43 commercial units within a 4-storey office building, be approved, subject to the conditions attached hereto as Schedule ‘A’ of this report.
    1. That Report No. PDS24-140 be received; and
    2. That a by-law be brought forward to a future Council meeting to repeal BIA Designation By-law No. 6128-18 and any amending by-laws, thereby dissolving the Aurora Business Improvement Area; and
      1. That staff be directed to perform all necessary administrative functions to conclude the business of the Aurora BIA, and assume their assets and liabilities in accordance with section 214 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended; and
      2. That the Aurora Economic Development Corporation be requested to incorporate the functions of the BIA into their economic development services; and
      3. That staff lead the development and implementation of a business engagement strategy for the Downtown area, and report back to a future meeting of Council.
    3. That any cash assets assumed pursuant to section 214 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, be allocated to initiatives in the downtown area; and
    4. That upon dissolution of the Aurora BIA By-law Councillors of Ward 1 and Ward 2, currently assigned to the Aurora BIA Board of Directors, be offered an opportunity to join the Aurora Economic Development Corporation’s Downtown Action Team.
    1. That Members of Council be appointed to the following Boards and Committees effective January 1, 2025:
      • Accessibility Advisory Committee – Councillor Wendy Gaertner
      • Active Transportation and Traffic Safety Advisory Committee – Councillor Wendy Gaertner
      • Aurora Economic Development Corporation – Councillor Harold Kim
      • Aurora Public Library Board – Councillors Michael Thompson and Harold Kim
      • Aurora Cultural Centre Board – Councillors Ron Weese and John Gallo
      • Aurora Business Improvement Area – Councillors Ron Weese and Rachel Gilliland
      • Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee – Mayor Tom Mrakas 
      • Environmental Advisory Committee – Councillor Ron Weese
      • Finance Advisory Committee – Mayor Tom Mrakas, Councillors Michael Thompson and Harold Kim
      • Heritage Advisory Committee – Councillor Wendy Gaertner
      • Joint Council Committee – Councillors Rachel Gilliland, Harold Kim and Michael Thompson
      • Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee – Councillor Michael Thompson
No Item Selected