Town of AuroraGeneral CommitteeMeeting AgendaMeeting #:Date:Tuesday, February 07, 2023Time: 7:00 P.m. - 10:30 P.m.Location:Council Chambers, Aurora Town HallMeetings are available to the public in person and via live stream on the Town’s YouTube channel. To participate, please visit to Order 2.Land Acknowledgement 3.Approval of the Agenda 4.Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof 5.Community Presentations 5.1Brian North, Southlake Foundation; Re: 2023 Nature's Emporium Run for Southlake 1.CommunityPresentation-BrianNorth-NaturesEmporiumRunforSouthlake.pdf6.Delegations 7.Consent Agenda 7.1Memorandum from Councillor Gaertner; Re: Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority Board Meeting Highlights of November 18, November 25, and December 16, 2022 1.Memo-WG-LSRCA-Board Highlights-Nov-Dec-2022.pdf That the memorandum regarding Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority Board Meeting Highlights of November 18, November 25, and December 16, 2022, be received for information. 8.Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes 9.Consideration of Items Requiring Discussion (Regular Agenda) 9.1CS23-008 - Bill 5, Stopping Harassment and Abuse by Local Leaders Act, 2022 1.CS23-008-Bill5-StoppingHarassmentandAbusebyLocalLeadersAct-2022.pdf That Report No. CS23-008 be received for information. 9.2CS23-006 - Active Transportation and Traffic Safety Advisory Committee 1.CS23-006-ActiveTransportationandTrafficSafetyAdvisoryCommittee.pdf2.CS23-006-Attachment1-Draft2022-2026ActiveTransportationandTrafficSafetyAdvisoryCommittee-TermsofReference.pdf3.CS23-006-Attachment2-DraftRevised2022-2026PRAC-TermsofReference.pdf That Report No. CS23-006 be received; and That the Terms of Reference (Attachment 1) for the Active Transportation and Traffic Safety Advisory Committee be approved; and That the amended Terms of Reference (Attachment 2) for the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee be approved. 9.3CS23-007 - Business Licensing By-law Amendments - Taxicab Tariffs 1.CS23-007-BusinessLicensingBy-lawAmendments-TaxicabTariffs.pdf2.CS23-007-Attachment1-AppendixA-TaxicabFares.pdf That Report No. CS23-007 be received; and That staff bring forward amendments to Schedule 13 and Appendix ‘A’ of the Town’s Business Licensing By-law No. 5630-14 to a future Council meeting to remove taxicab tariffs; and That staff be directed to implement regulatory framework to regulate Vehicles for Hire (VFH) in Aurora for the purpose of consumer protection and public safety. 10.Notices of Motion 11.Regional Report 12.New Business 13.Public Service Announcements 14.Closed Session 15.Adjournment No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.CS23-008-Bill5-StoppingHarassmentandAbusebyLocalLeadersAct-2022.pdf1.CommunityPresentation-BrianNorth-NaturesEmporiumRunforSouthlake.pdf1.CS23-007-BusinessLicensingBy-lawAmendments-TaxicabTariffs.pdf2.CS23-007-Attachment1-AppendixA-TaxicabFares.pdf1.CS23-006-ActiveTransportationandTrafficSafetyAdvisoryCommittee.pdf2.CS23-006-Attachment1-Draft2022-2026ActiveTransportationandTrafficSafetyAdvisoryCommittee-TermsofReference.pdf3.CS23-006-Attachment2-DraftRevised2022-2026PRAC-TermsofReference.pdf1.Memo-WG-LSRCA-Board Highlights-Nov-Dec-2022.pdf