Town of Aurora
Council Meeting Revised Agenda

Meeting #:
Council Chambers, Aurora Town Hall

Meetings are available to the public in person and via live stream on the Town’s YouTube channel. To participate, please visit

Note: Added items are marked with an asterisk (*).

According to the Procedure By-law, the consent of a two-thirds majority vote of Council Members present is required to permit the addition of Delegations 6.3 and 6.4.

    1. That the Council meeting minutes of February 28, 2023, be adopted as circulated.
    1. That the Council Closed Session minutes of March 7, 2023, be adopted as circulated.
    1. That the Council Closed Session Public meeting minutes of March 7, 2023, be adopted as circulated.
    1. That the Council Closed Session minutes of February 28, 2023, be adopted as circulated.
    1. That the Council Closed Session Public meeting minutes of February 28, 2023, be adopted as circulated.
    1. That the Council Closed Session minutes of February 21, 2023, be adopted as circulated.
    1. That the Council Closed Session Public meeting minutes of February 21, 2023, be adopted as circulated.
    1. That the Council Public Planning meeting minutes of February 14, 2023, be adopted as circulated.
    1. That the memorandum regarding Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority Board Meeting Highlights of February 24, 2023, be received for information.
    1. That the memorandum regarding Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority Board Meeting Highlights of January 27, 2023, be received for information.
    1. That Report No. PDS23-019 be received; and
    2. That Official Plan Amendment application OPA-2021-02 be approved to amend the Official Plan Site Specific Policy #14 and OPA 37:
      1. to re-designate the subject lands from "Existing Major Institutional", "Suburban Residential (SR-1)", "Supporting Area Open Space" and "Core Area Open Space" designations to "Suburban Residential (SR-1)", "Stable Residential", “Environmental Protection”, “Public Parkland”, and “Supporting Area Open Space” designations; and
      2. remove Official Plan Site Specific Policy #14 over a portion of the subject lands and replace with a new site specific policy to permit single detached dwellings up to a maximum height of three (3) storeys or eleven (11) metres and street townhouses up to a maximum height of thirteen (13) metres; and
    3. That Zoning By-law Amendment application ZBA-2021-02 be approved to rezone the subject lands from Oak Ridges Moraine - Rural (RU-ORM), Rural (RU) and Institutional (I) to Detached Third Density Exception X (R3-X), Detached Fourth Density Exception X (R4-X), Townhouse Dwelling Residential Exception Zone (R8-X), Institutional (I), Oak Ridges Moraine Environmental Protection Zone (EP-ORM), Environmental Protection (EP), Public Open Space (O1) and Private Open Space Zone (O2); and
    4. That the Draft Plan of Subdivision application SUB-2021-01 consisting of 108 dwelling units (87 singles and 21 towns), neighbourhood park, school block, natural heritage/open space areas, public roads be approved, subject to the conditions listed in Appendix ‘A’ to this report; and
    5. That Council grant allocation from the reserve to service the development of 87 single-detached dwellings and 21 townhouses units on the approved Draft Plan of Subdivision; and
    6. That the implementing Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment be brought forward to a future Council meeting for enactment.
    1. That Report No. OPS23-002 be received; and
    2. That staff be directed to implement Option 2, including the Phase 2 trail connections, boardwalks, and associated landscaping, and that the offline wetlands and Marsh Creek realignment be deleted from the Phase 2 scope of works.
    1. That Report No. PDS23-008 - Request for a Parking By-law Amendment on Benville Crescent be referred to the Active Transportation and Traffic Safety Advisory Committee for review and comment.

Lots 12 and 14 and Part of Lots 10, 11 and 13, Registered Plan 166, File Number: SUB-2017-03

    1. That Report No. PDS23-011 be received; and
    2. That the Draft Approval to Plan of Subdivision for 132-198 Old Bloomington Road, File SUB-2017-03, be extended for one (1) year with a lapsing date of May 26, 2024.
    1. That Report No. PDS23-018 be received; and
    2. That the demolition permit for the property at 60 Fleury Street be approved; and
    3. That the proposed design be referred to the Heritage Advisory Committee for review and comment.


    1. That the York Regional Council Highlights of February 23, 2023, be received for information.
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